Fun Foto Friday

So, I know that technically Fun Foto Friday is supposed to go up at the beginning of Friday, but I am on vacation and it’s been hectic to say the least. No one ever said it was easy to take a whole family, including an adorable 22 month old to the Jersey shore. But, all in all it’s been a very enjoyable, memorable vacation.

Sorry to say I do not have any drama to report from the house in which ALL of my parents are staying. When I say all I mean my father, step-mother, mother, and step-father. I thought I would be able to fill you in on some hilarious awkward moments but there were none to report. In fact, I heard my mother and step-mother on the beach today chatting about doing it again next year! Gotta love my family. I am so grateful and thankful to have the situation that I do and would not trade it for the world. All of the grandparents have been a huge help this week and has made my vacation a little less stressful than it could have been.

So, anyway back to Fun Foto Friday! I promised you a pic that epitomizes the Jersey shore and although we stayed in the serene family town of Ocean City we had to escape to the nearby Sea Isle City for the famous “No Shower Happy Hour.”

It has been a tradition for many years (pre-children of course) to attend the Ocean Drive’s “No Shower Happy Hour” and see our favorite cover band, Secret Service. In order to uphold our tradition, we had to attend.

As we walked around the bar I felt a sense of nastalgia, but at the same time I felt OLD. The “kids” (as me and my girlfriends call them) looked younger than ever, and I can’t tell you how many times we said, “Are they old enough to drink?” Then, I caught a glimpse of this young man and what he had on his wrist.

Most mothers of older children will recognize this piece of rubber and have probably spent hundreds of dollars building up their children’s collections! I have seen many children and some teenagers with these silly bandz (appropriately named by the way because they are “silly”) all around South Jersey. But, I never thought I would see a twenty-one year old with a bracelet like this on.

Then, the “gem” of the week is this picture.

These young men were showcasing their retro neon and slotted glasses. Weren’t these cool in the Flava Flave days? To my dismay, they refused to fist pump for me! They did not want to be associated with the “North” Jersey shore boys. So, here is the new “South” Jersey shore trend for the summer of 2010.

So, what do you think? Has anyone else heard about or seen this trend recently?

Just a thought.

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  1. these boys are lame! fist pumping would have been much funnier. sucks for them!

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